Sunday, December 22, 2013

Journal: Epcot

On the first day of our trip to Florida my mom, dad, and I went to Disney Epcot. (this is about my favorite ride) It was a few days ago but I can tell you a couple things about my experience. We first entered the park and got our bags checked and gave our tickets. Then the first thing we went to is Soarin. I think it is the most popular ride because we waited a long time to get on the ride. I choose to ride this ride first because I really wanted to ride on an airplane. Soarin is a ride that makes you feel like you're on an airplane flying over the great state of California. Once we got on the ride I was really excited. When the ride started the seats rose and went into a dome. Then there was a video on the dome that made you feel like you're flying. When the ride ended I wanted to go on the ride again so we got fast pass so later we don't have to wait as long. Soarin is my favorite ride.

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