Monday, December 23, 2013


Today my mom, dad, and I went to Disney Hollywood Studios. When we got into the entrance I grabbed a map and a time guide. When we walked in it looked like I was in New York City because I could see the Empire State Building. After looking around we rode a tour ride. First we saw how they used the special effects in the Pearl Harbor movie. It was a little scary when they showed us the bombing special effect. After that we went on a bus that showed us around the studios. When the ride was over I was disappointed because the they didn't show us very much. Then we went to the star tours. There we were in the actions of star wars. You were inside a ship that would fight for freedom because a passenger on your ship is an enemy. After that mom bought us a frozen lemonade which tasted good. Then we went on a movie ride which takes us through different movies. In one movie the driver is taken captive from bank robbers and the robber becomes the driver. That part from my view is the scariest. Then the driver comes back. The last thing we did is watch the Fantastic show. It was a wonderful show featuring fireworks, mickey mouse, and fireworks. This day is one of my favorite days.

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